Tribute to a vip
Quick Summary: A community event that comprised of an evening of a variety entertainment from 14 disciplines at Plymouth University and 8 community organisations, at the Sherwell Centre of Plymouth University. It was aimed to boost the spirits of an individual inflicted with a major illness via this ‘surprise’ function for her, while at the same time also raising funds for Kidney Research UK.
Positive energy and goodwill are very important to us at MegaReach. When one of our ardent supporters at Plymouth University, United Kingdom, had to battle a major illness, a group of well-wishers devised a plan to boost her spirits by organising a “surprise” function. Aptly dubbed “In tribute to a Very Inspirational Person ”, the event took the form of an evening of variety entertainment, at the iconic Sherwell Centre of Plymouth University, on Wednesday 26th April 2017.
The VIP-event as it soon became known, saw 14 wonderfully diverse, yet equally entertaining acts, involving students and staff from 14 disciplines at Plymouth University and 8 community organisations, come together, to celebrate the exceptional qualities of our colleague. We even had a delightful selection of nibbles. Despite everything being totally free of charge, we still managed to raise a sizable amount for Kidney Research UK.
We were very keen to keep the plans hidden from our colleague till the moment she literally stepped into the hall. Sadly, our colleague’s health suffered on the eve of the show. Yet she was represented by her children and grandchildren who more than made up for her absence. So the show went on, as they say. Together we sent positive vibrations for a quick recovery.
Remarkably, just over a week later, our colleague paid a visit to register their thanks. She looked absolutely radiant and was in the process of making a remarkable recovery! Sadly, only a handful of the over 180+ well-wishers who gathered for the VIP event, were there to receive her during that visit.
It is our turn now to extend that thank you to everybody. Thank you for your wonderful talent and your limitless goodwill. Kindness and positive thinking works – this is living proof of that! We came together to boost the spirits of someone who had helped us before; someone we all loved and loved us in return. In the process we had great fun and made some new friends. We proved that communities that care for one another will bring out the best in each other. Let us know if we could help foster that spirit in your community too.